Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A New Camera...Let The Exploring Begin

Okay...the camera and lodging problems have been resolved, the adventure continues. Finally over jet lag and a sleep deprivation hangover. Watching the soccer finals and actually begining to understand the game. Egads!

Went to a local buther shop yesterday and found partridge pâté, which, of course, I had to buy. Had it with toast this morning with breakfast. Mild, but rich in flavor. Will have it with some scrambled eggs tomorrow, to lessen the richness of the pâté.

Did some test shots with the new camera and it looks like it'll work okay, although I would rather not to have gone through the ordel of replacing it in the first place.

Keith, the taxi driver, suggested I taxi (of course) up to Surprise View where you can see two of the 19 lakes and hike down to Keswick. He said there's less chance of getting lost because you keep the town in view all the way down. According to the literature I've read, getting lost happens quite frequently. Most advise maps and compasses, both of which I don't have. 

Looking North from Surprise View.

Heading down, typical farm house.

From the lakeside heading into town.

Hiked back to town, about four miles, travelled along the lake with Bob and Josephine (Jo), nice retired couple who live in Windermere, the next town over.

There are so many things to do in the Lake District, it's hard to figure out which to do first. One thing I would like, is some technical climbing, but that's another trip and different gear.

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